We have arrived Mirny, a large diamond mining town in Yakutsk..
Really rough roads as usual, and so glad to have a town to rest in!! AND, as usual, the people in Yakutia are beyond welcoming and hospitable! We did not even make it into town.. but as we were pulling in, a bright blue Subaru pulled us over.. A blonde man jumps out and has quite a big conversation with Walter. I am in the dark with Russian language, but bottom line, as per every town/village we pull into, we must follow this person.
His name is Igor, and he knew we might arrive today through his contacts at the Pension and motorcycle friends.
He takes us straight to his office where we are to park our bikes in a secure yard, powerwash them, and then back to his place where we will stay.. And in comes a nice big fat meal too!!
The people here are incredible!!
I have been knocked around quite a bit on corrugated roads, been underwater in a few water crossings, and still have issues with the metal panniers.
So I have plenty of bike repairs to do, and so does Walter.
This is one town I am unable to use my wireless internet account. I have been amazed at how often I can use it to be honest.. but this town has me at a stop this time.
I am using Igor's computer in his office, with is PC (mine is Apple).. they don't seem to like each others format. I am spending time reconfiguring how I do things, so I can use PC's around the world as well as my Mac, but in the meantime, I am not able to blog like I would prefer!!
So!! I have uploaded some photos onto facebook.. www.facebook.com/sherrijowilkins
AND, Walter, being so much more experienced and advanced than I, has his blog up to date. We share photos along the way, so our blogs are quite similar anyway, except for the fact he is more clear about Russian details, that I miss out on not understanding the language.
If you would like to go to Walters site at: http://www.sibirskyextreme.com/ that will be the best way for now. I am very spoiled and lucky to have Walter along this most amazing part of the world, and my most challenging journey. We only have one more leg together to Irkutsk, and then we have separate trips from there. He is an amazing adventurer and a fantastic photographer to boot! I will certainly miss all of this after Irkutsk! But in the meantime, his blog is fantastic and shows in great detail what we have been up to..
I will hopefully be able to get up to date with photos and blogging soon.. We have 3 days on a barge going down river coming up later tomorrow, and fingers crossed they will have a powerpoint for my computer. That will be ideal.. I'd be surprised though, because it is not a barge with accomodation, we will be camping in our tent on deck.. whew hew!!
I also understand I will be in more populated areas after Irkutsk, so I should be back to my blogging self then.
In the meantime, I will try to post more photos on Facebook and rely on Walters blog for a few more days... ;-)
Exploring the World by Motorcycle - She had owned and ridden a Harley in the States, acted as a navigator and co pilot in light aircraft and sailed a yacht dodging pirates through the islands of the pacific – surely this was the next logical step. The big difference though – she is doing the newest great adventure around the world on a motorcycle.. So come along for the ride!! © Sherri Jo Wilkins
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No more Dempsey and Makepeace! :-)
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Really enjoying this!