It is White Knuckle Day!!
Very very windy day... a real treat when you are riding a motorcycle!
Well.. maybe not a treat, but I had to take it that way, otherwise I wouldn't have enjoyed myself. The wind was knocking me around on the road, it is really strong.. The horizon was completely brown from Outback dust being blown around, and total white caps on the water. Watching the sand swiftly shift on the beach was exactly like watching snow drifts form in a blizzard in Indiana!!
It's hard to tell by the photos, but I'm surprised the bike stood up on it's own without being blown over. It actually did come up while I was taking a photo and thank goodness it didn't go bad. When I heard the kickstand land back on the ground, it was a massive relief!!
Stopped for a little break here at Maslin's Beach. South Australia's first Nude Beach! The beach itself was a bit nude today - too windy for nakedness I suppose! Because it wasn't that cold...
Such a beautiful place. My little bike is getting a great tour of South Australia before we hit the road for the big one!!
Ticks me off!! Those pictures look so calm and beautiful, not a hint of the wild weather!! It was hard to even stand up alone in that wind!!
I need a name for my bike.. any suggestions??
It will look a lot different next week. We go in Wednesday to have a mass of accessories put on - not all, but a few.
One of the biggest cosmetic changes will be seen later after we install the Safari petrol tank. This add-on tank which will be supplied by R & V Aqualine of Australia will give me an extra 14 litres of fuel. With the existing 12 litres, a total of 26 will allow me to travel much longer distances between drinks!! Show you that one later.
This week.. Peter Stevens KTM is putting together too many accessories to mention, but all very necessary!! More on those later as well, because it will make much more sense once you see the photos..